Friday, April 23, 2010

making the best of the little things

Life. Such a gentle name for a short time of existing on this small world. We pick and choose how to live it, each choice always has a pathway to go down. Twisting and turning with every decision we make.
Today my mother took me to have my tags renewed because I simply have no money at this moment. Money comes and goes. I took her to Backyard Burger on Memorial as a thank you for helping me out. We then bought two waffle cones and sat in the booth for an hour and a half talking about where we lived and how it was an adventure. across the street beyond the tall fence is an apartment complex that used to scare us to step outside at night. Rethinking those past times brought a smile to my face. We moved there because it was cheaper than living in a Hotel 6 for a week.
This school semester is almost over with. I'm so thankful, I've worked so hard to push myself to get threw and I'm almost there. May will welcome me with her loving arm's and bring something new and unknown. How exciting. I'm waiting patiently for June because not only does it hold my birthday but a chance to enjoy a vacation with my man. My mother is kind enough to let us borrow her car since mine would sadly die on the way to our destination. We are bound west, a place I have only ventured to once and looking forward to it again!
I had mentioned to my sister that I think we should start going to a baseball field and play softball. It's been years since I've last tested my skill to hitting a ball and I would love to see if I still got game. Hopefully we will be able to do that and have a blast. That would be a great way to start our summer break.


I never question what to do, it tells me what to do. The photographs make themselves with my help. ~Ruth Bernhard
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