Saturday, June 6, 2009

fly over everyone

well watching the 35 or 36 disc of gilmore girls, rory goes to anna's boutique of one of a kinds. rory finds this amazing white pan am bag that cute flight atendents used to tot their things in. anyway, i looked it up& they are kind of pricy but i figured if ya really want it why not show ya.

i love bag's anyway, vintage bags anyway. when i worked at sugaree's when i was 17 i bought these amazing vintage dark yellow suit cases, well i bought one. the other has water damage on the inside, i never finished the water damage one with the fabric i want but i put my old music flyers i've collected over the years in side of it.

i'm going to be using the carry on luggage, maybe, if it's the right size. or a back pack. 10 more days till chicago, il. 5 more days till athens texas& 3 more days till i'm 22.


I never question what to do, it tells me what to do. The photographs make themselves with my help. ~Ruth Bernhard
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