Wednesday, May 5, 2010




Project: Grow My Natural Hair Out is working pretty well. I had to cut my hair because split ends were forming after I undreaded my head. I will be dreading again but this time they will be shorter and if my photography career takes off I would like to just for real dread my hair. Maybe. Who knows, I like being able to put them in and take them out as I please. However, I think I did a nice job cutting my own hair. People still keep saying I should go to school for it but hair really is not my passion. I will cut others hair without charge. only once in a blue moon because I feel unsure of myself.

The boyfriend and I are about to head out and help clean up Tip-A-Canoe in Kingston, Tenn. The floods had no mercy on that place. Everything is just, horrible around Middle Tennessee, along with Kentucky and Mississippi. 29 death's total in both states but luckily Murfreesboro came out alive. I'm thankful for that because last year a tornado tore apart areas of city and its just now kind of getting back to normal. It will take some time for Nashville and surrounding cities to heal. The impact is already being felt with a state wide water reservation in act. "God can't give us nothing that we can't handle" something my mom always says and it's so true.


I never question what to do, it tells me what to do. The photographs make themselves with my help. ~Ruth Bernhard
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