Wednesday, February 18, 2009


on the june the 9th thru june the 18th i will be out of town. nathan& i are taking a wedding road trip- texas to chicago. IL. i'm extremly excited because i have not visited 8 states in 9 days. so this adds to my excitment. anyway, i'm planning flea market stops& beach fronts in texas. we shall be camping& exploring.

i think this will add a whole new meaning to the life of karen.

to add to this, nathan& i will be dating a year in march. can you believe it, a year? it's amazing how much we have been threw this past year. i'm stoked& blessed. anyway, i'm doing som research so i'm gonna get back to it. just wanted to let whoever reads this that i'm going to have a great summer spending my birthday out on the the open road.


I never question what to do, it tells me what to do. The photographs make themselves with my help. ~Ruth Bernhard
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